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February 9th, 2024

Library Fundraiser in India

Recently, FAI members have taken the initiative within their communities by going door-to-door to raise donations to help fund FAI's mission of building a library in India! The current goal is to raise $47,000 to help bring the creation of this library to reality. Overall, this will help create more access to books and educational resources in the underdeveloped part of India! Wow! Your monitor is so big that we've ran out of preview content! Want to read the rest? Click "Read More!"

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November 2nd, 2023

Sustainable Investing

At FAI we believe that sustainable investing is how we can secure the environment for future generations. Lets get some nomenclature clear. Investment world refers to sustainable investing in multiple different formats such as impact investing, socially responsible investing, green investing, and responsible investing. Wow! Your monitor is so big that we've ran out of preview content! Want to read the rest? Click "Read More!"

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August 14, 2023

Investing in Knowledge: Financial Literacy for K-12

According to Forbes, 87% of teens say they don't really understand their personal finances (2022). The need for financial literacy programs is undeniable. As of January 2024, twenty-five U.S. states require financial education for high school students to graduate; many more have bills pending. Wow! Your monitor is so big that we've ran out of preview content! Want to read the rest? Click "Read More!"

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September 12th, 2023

Financial Literacy for Young Adults

According to George Washington University, financial literacy is defined as "the ability to understand how money works in the world: how someone manages to earn or make it, how that person manages it, how he/she invests it (turn it into more) and how that person donates it to help others." Financial literacy can also happen in two or more dimensions, i.e locking the ‘capacity to implement the same knowledge' by the ability to practice the capacity and behavioral change trigger, in this case, a global insertion of the necessary dynamics of human behavior (i.e action procedures for particular causes affecting financial behavior). Several other important aspects of Financial Literacy include Budgeting: Zero-based sum budgets apply a system to give every dollar a job. They assist in financial self-regulation and expense prioritization. " Inc - Debt management involves a "learning-based, self-disciplined, consistent, and intensive propensity that includes abstaining from the use of debt, paying it on schedule, making provision for the monthly and total repayment, and formulation of proper actions to alleviate the monthly size and subsequent after effects of debts."

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March 16th, 2024

Understanding Insurance

Insurance is a way to protect one's company or yourself from financial risks by paying some money called a premium. Let's say you bought car insurance and your car catches on fire, the insurance depending on how much it covers may be able to fix the damages for way less then it would’ve cost without it or completely covered. Insurance is a safety net that can help you bounce back after an accident, theft, lawsuit, etc. In simple terms it's a contract between you and the company that says; “if I pay you a certain sum of money, you have to help me recover from future accidents.” An important rule in insurance is the 80% rule which states: if the company uses 80 cents of every dollar to pay for the medical claims and activities that improve their company and insurance, then the company has a medical loss of 80%. Overall, just look out for your insurance and make sure you aren't losing and you are gaining for the price you pay. Wow! Your monitor is so big that we've ran out of preview content! Want to read the rest? Click "Read More!"

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April 30th, 2024

Cash Flow Management

What is it? Cash flow management is tracking and controlling how much money comes in and out of a business in order to accurately predict cash flow needs. Businesses need people covering this aspect as businesses need to manage money exports and imports to avoid a loss of money that wasn't anticipated due to not tracking. There are 3 key parts to a cash flow statement; Cash from operating activities: cash exports and imports related directly to a business’ primary operations. Cash from investing activities: cash exports and imports from a company’s investments such as assets (property, equipment, etc). Cash from financing activities: cash exports and imports from government used to finance the company’s operations such as payment of bank loan, dividends, etc.

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May 5th, 2024


What is it? Cash flow management is tracking and controlling how much money comes in and out of a business in order to accurately predict cash flow needs. Businesses need people covering this aspect as businesses need to manage money exports and imports to avoid a loss of money that wasn't anticipated due to not tracking. There are 3 key parts to a cash flow statement; Cash from operating activities: cash exports and imports related directly to a business’ primary operations. Cash from investing activities: cash exports and imports from a company’s investments such as assets (property, equipment, etc). Cash from financing activities: cash exports and imports from government used to finance the company’s operations such as payment of bank loan, dividends, etc.

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