Library in India
Jonathan Ta - February 9th, 2024 Back to Blog

Library Fundraiser in India

Our Mission

Recently, FAI members have taken the initiative within their communities by going door-to-door to raise donations to help fund FAI's mission of building a library in India! The current goal is to raise $47,000 to help bring the creation of this library to reality. Overall, this will help create more access to books and educational resources in the underdeveloped part of India! Arnav Senapathi, FAI's chief financial officer (CFO), has helped apply for FAI for various grants and funding from private institutions and public universities, such as UT Austin. In addition, Arnav has helped FAI partner with Krispy Kreme in creating a fundraiser to help sell donuts, with all proceeds going towards the library's funding.

Where is Funding Going?

With our funding, all proceeds will go to the Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Andhra Pradesh Backward Classes Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (MJPAPBCWREIS), which aims to equalize educational opportunities for backward classes, foster parity with more developed communities, and promote a fair and egalitarian society. The society oversees a network of 105 schools, comprising 57 boys' and 48 girls' institutions, collectively educating over 35,000 students spanning grades 5 to 10. Among the student population, 75% hail from backward classes, while the remaining 25% are from Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes backgrounds. Building a library will help schools address the critical shortage of learning spaces. The lack of adequate classrooms has become a significant obstacle to providing quality education to MJP students. The library will help expose students to different worlds of knowledge and imagination.

Why Should You Donate

Over 30 million children in India lack the opportunity to receive an education. Among those who do have access, only 50% manage to complete secondary school, and a staggering 71% of adults have not pursued higher education. This low education rate highlights the urgent need for our plan at FAI! Through the many facets of our fundraising, FAI can utilize the capital gained to pursue further ventures. We're looking to spread financial and primary education worldwide in many different ways. The FAI library will be a step towards accomplishing our goal, specifically in a local community that directly connects to many of our members. -Charlie Goldberg (COO of FAI)

Donate Now!

Click the button to donate now! Any donation, big or small, makes a significant impact! 100% of the proceeds will go towards constructing a library in India!