College: Is college education worth the time and money?
Siddha Kanthi - August 4th, 2023

College: Is college education worth the time and money?

Recently, debate has sparked on whether or not a college education is worth the time and money as more college graduates are having difficulties securing a job after college. This is an incredibly nuanced topic, considering the variety of options in experiencing college and the current job market. In this article, we will investigate the value of a college education and provide you with some sort of guidance in making this decision.

Opportunities with a College Education

College education has a reputation for opening the door to so many opportunities for graduates. In fact, today, most high-paying jobs require a 4-year degree. However, many argue that the “inflation” in the number of people with a college degree has decreased the value of each degree. Furthermore, they argue that even with a 4-year degree, they aren’t able to land their desired job because of the level of competition. Regardless, earning a 4-year degree makes people eligible for most jobs.

Financial Obligation

Despite the incredible boost that a college education provides to most people’s careers, the massive cost of attending is a concern, not to mention the student loan debt that they could lead to. With the cost of attending some private institutions exceeding $80k without aid, it is important to look at the financial aspect of attending college (We looked at how to financially prepare for college in one of our previous articles, titled "Investing Strategies for Teens and Young Adults: College”). However, today, most schools offer incredible financial aid packages depending on your family’s capacity to pay for the education. Similarly, attending a public, in-state university is another excellent way to save money and maximize the financial return of your investment into college. Either way, depending on the major, college graduates will be able to pay for their education with their job that were most likely unable to get without college.

Intellectual Enrichment

Thus far, we have discussed the financial and career aspects of attending college. Still, a college education also offers incredible intellectual enrichment to its students, as they are exposed to many bright minds and introduced to various concepts across many subjects. College life also prepares students for adulthood, as many live without their parents for the first time and must learn to become independent to thrive.


Overall, it is difficult to overestimate the value of college as most receive career boosts, new opportunities, and intellectual enrichment because of their college education. Despite the hefty financial obligation, today, many diverse and effective ways exist to pay for college. Thus, for most individuals, the pros of a college education outweigh the cons.